Challenging Misconceptions & Negativity Towards Individuals Battling Addiction

Stigma highlighted through beautiful art

Featuring Twelve Individuals From Four Counties:
Worcester - Wicomico - Talbot - Somerset

Here are the three parts of this project:

Traveling  Exhibit

- 12 local artists each created a portrait influenced  by the stories of the 12 individuals in stages of recovery

- Each participant interview were recorded in which they shared their personal stories

- At the traveling exhibitions, QR codes next to each portrait can be scanned to see each individual's video

School Video - click on image to watch video

- A 15-minute video was created speaking directly to young people, sharing experiences and wisdom (created in cooperation with Sammi Schachter - Unscene Productions)
- This video and reproduction of the Portraits of Recovery, combined with a guide of help-resources, is traveling to local middle and high schools

New Project: The Art of Recovery

- This exhibit shows Art created by individuals in recovery. 
- Working  through Recovery art is an opportunity to share experiences and your story.

Future Project: Filming a Documentary of the impact of addiction and the rocky road of recovery 

- As soon as we have the needed funding we are using already filmed material plus additional recording to tell the story of addiction and the way to recovery, and the impact it has on everyone involved.